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Author Topic: spliting adresses  (Read 12421 times)


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spliting adresses
« on: July 30, 2006, 09:29:23 PM »

A location i am working on and off at have just installed 14 led parcans and wish to install 22 more at a later date taking the total to 36, they wish them all to be controlled individually.
 the cans want 6 dmx channels each = 216 dmx channels total required.
the parcans have 7 addressing dipswitches giving a top address of 128.
Is there a unit available that will send two lines of 0to128 dmx channels out from 256 channels in.

input channels 0to128  output on line 1

input channels 129to256 output as 0 to 128 on line 2

obviously if the split was 0to512 in with two 0 to256  out this would help us out
  :P scuse me if the numbers are a bit out its late after an early morning :P

hope i have explained what i mean well enough


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Re: spliting adresses
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 09:04:42 AM »

There is one possibility that springs to mind, plus another that Google found.

First off is the Artistic Licence Cue-Patch, which is a bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut, and pricy at £2100 plus VAT for European purchasers.  I've not used this box, but have used several pieces of Artistic Licence kit over the years, and it never fails to deliver exactly what it says on the can.

Google found me the Enttec Datagate, available in several models, its not entirely clear which model you would need, but it looks like maybe the entry level model (the D) would do it, at $1230 USD.

All these solutions are really quite expensive if you are using them with the current wave of inexpensive Chinese LED parcans.  If whatever desk you are using has multiple DMX512 outputs and a softpatch then that would do the job without requiring any external boxes, just use the bottom 128 channels on each universe for your LED fixtures, and from 129 up for other devices that have full 512 channel adressability.  You can use the softpatch to make it all make sense on your desk from an operators point of view.

Does that help?



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Re: spliting adresses
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 09:11:14 PM »

thanks david
like you said quite pricy for what we want I have had some suggestions from other lines of enquiry and will follow those up



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Re: spliting adresses
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 01:19:32 PM »

If you find a good solution, please post on what it is :)



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Re: spliting adresses
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2006, 10:08:26 AM »

A location i am working on and off at have just installed 14 led parcans and wish to install 22 more at a later date taking the total to 36, they wish them all to be controlled individually.
 the cans want 6 dmx channels each = 216 dmx channels total required.
the parcans have 7 addressing dipswitches giving a top address of 128.
Is there a unit available that will send two lines of 0to128 dmx channels out from 256 channels in.

input channels 0to128  output on line 1

input channels 129to256 output as 0 to 128 on line 2

obviously if the split was 0to512 in with two 0 to256  out this would help us out
  :P scuse me if the numbers are a bit out its late after an early morning :P

hope i have explained what i mean well enough

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