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SMF - Just Installed!

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 on: June 09, 2009, 07:47:50 PM 
Started by ben_l_p - Last post by CHETL
It sounds like your house light dimmers are a part of your theatrical dimming system, yes? I believe the ELC is a separate small console that would have to have its signal merged with your control console's. ELC does make a merger, but I'm not sure how well it behaves.

Another option that is inexpensive and easy to install is the Lightronics SR-516. It is a recently updated Pile-On type snapshot scene recorder. In essence, you install the base unit between your control console and your dimmers and it passively "listens" to the DMX signal and lets you record up to 16 "snapshots" of lighting looks. These scenes can be replayed later on without your console being turned on. The "pile-on" refers to the fact that the unit, if activated, will add its lighting look to the look being replayed by your normal console in a "highest value takes precedence" manner. The Central unit can also have two remote recall stations (located at convenient entrances to your space).

I'm not a sales rep, but have installed the units in my facility and saved me a bunch of money over mush more complex architectural control systems - like costing $1200 instead of thousands more.

If your current house lighting dimmers are not capable of receiving a DMX (or other control protocol) signal then your solutions are more complex.

 on: May 19, 2009, 08:39:31 PM 
Started by djdbo12 - Last post by DMX512
Many amateurs and indeed many professionals use mic cable for DMX512 all the time, and it works well enough most of the time.

Tourflex datasafe is the real deal though.

 on: May 19, 2009, 08:37:33 PM 
Started by Gezza14 - Last post by DMX512
No problems sending two universes down one cable at all.

Some desks (the Pearls for example) do this by default.

 on: May 19, 2009, 02:52:41 PM 
Started by djdbo12 - Last post by djdbo12
Hey all, I'm new to the Forum, so excuse me if this has been discussed. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't been doing lighting terribly long, I wanted some recommendations for good cables to use for DMX. I'll need something durable as it will be used on the road. I know Gepco makes a cable, but I don't know anyone that has used it. Most people I know are amateurs as well. (Most of them are using mic cable)

 on: May 02, 2009, 11:01:19 PM 
Started by Gezza14 - Last post by Gezza14
I have a 4-core and screen belden 8102 cable with 3-pin AXR's and want to change them to 5-pin and send two strings of DMX down it. Anyone any comments onsending two DMX signals (from seperate desks) down one 4-core & screen cable.
Looking at making boxes to break in/out form 5-pin AXR to two 3-pin AXR.
Any issues with sharing the screen?

 on: May 01, 2009, 06:51:02 PM 
Started by martinnez - Last post by martinnez
 8) hello there people!  if anybody knows, i have a martinminimac profile, and somebody messed with the programming buttons, now it shows an error code and the manual says i got to load it with some files to work again but calls for a martin dmx loader or something. is there any other way i can do it? maybe from my pc? like i do it with keyboards?  well thats it thanks for your time and attention, any help will be much apreciated.

             ;D :D      martinnez.

 on: April 28, 2009, 07:29:54 PM 
Started by tatersav1 - Last post by tatersav1
Yes there is a reason. All of my audio lines from the sound booth in the back of the church run about 100 feet to a room behind the stage via a 42 channel audio snake. In that room all of the 42 channels go to terminal strips mounted in a junction box. From there individual twisted pairs leave the terminals and go to the individual stage boxes spread out all over the stage. These boxes are used to plug in microphones, musical instruments, amplifiers, etc. I could send the DMX signal through one of the 42 channels in the audio snake. They are twisted pair and have great shielding.  I could then go from the terminals to the dimmer using one twisted pair.

 on: April 22, 2009, 11:40:48 PM 
Started by tatersav1 - Last post by DMX512
I would think you certainly can, and it would probably work, but I would not recommend it because its nonstandard.  Is there some reason why you need to do this?  There may be an alternative answer...

 on: April 22, 2009, 11:38:57 PM 
Started by ben_l_p - Last post by DMX512
Merging DMX is not simple, which is why there were until recently comparatively few products capable of doing it and those products that did do the business were quite pricey.

However, times have changed.

I'm assuming you're in the USA and so Elation have this product which should do the job.  This series of boxes is OEM'd out of China under various brand names including Showtec and Botex.

A better (but almost certainly more expensive) solution is something like the ETC sensor dimmers, which can be both DMX512 dimmers, and have press button panel controls - they kind of bridge the gap between stage dimmers and pure architectural.

 on: April 22, 2009, 05:06:35 AM 
Started by ben_l_p - Last post by ben_l_p
Im new to DMX but have been put in charge of installing a system in a church.
I need a console that can control par cans and some (future) intelligent lights and LEDs.  Thats the easy part.  We also want to control all of the house lights from this console and also from the main door to the sanctuary.  All I want at the door is a wall mount station with 6 or more buttons, only for preset lighting.  I dont want to go to architectural controls and dimmers because of price, we are on a tight budget to start.  I have found this "ELC AC612" controller which looks like it will do what I want but I dont know if I can plug this unit into the back of the main console.  Any suggestions? 
Im fairly new to this so excuse some wrong terminology.

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