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SMF - Just Installed!

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 on: June 21, 2012, 02:01:24 PM 
Started by colesalazar41 - Last post by PSimon23
I decided to give a hand and sent a post into social bookmarks. I hope the popularity will rise in.

 on: May 12, 2012, 06:52:07 AM 
Started by mikey7963 - Last post by Promisels
It might pay to look at the Chamsys MagicQ software anyway, as it supports a wide range of interfaces, and by looking at their list perhaps you could see if you too want to support any of those

 on: March 22, 2012, 10:01:59 AM 
Started by tendai02 - Last post by Mungoo
I was soldering new LEDs to my xbox 360 controller motherboard. After I successfully took off the player 2 green led to replace it with a new LED, I noticed that when I put the battery pack back in all of the other LEDs stopped working but the controller still worked fine. Did I accidentally take off the solder joint which caused all of the other LEDs to stop working or what? How could I fix this? Please help!

 on: February 11, 2012, 05:58:50 PM 
Started by east_sider - Last post by DMX512
Visualizers do exist, but they all cost an absolute fortune.

Except for Capture Polar Student Edition which is a limited but free visualizer.

Yes, you need to have a supported DMX interface to get the DMX from your desk into the PC.

 on: February 04, 2012, 03:05:39 PM 
Started by east_sider - Last post by east_sider
I'll soon have a Chauvet Obey 40 and wanted to program it without having to hook up all the lights. Does anyone know if there are any programs that will allow me to visualize my lights/settings on a computer? I'm assuming first I'd need a DMX to USB input converter (or will a USB to DMX work as well?). Thanks.

 on: January 09, 2012, 12:12:43 PM 
Started by BV - Last post by BV
What is auto addressing in DMX512?
I have read the ANSI E1.11-2008 and there is no mention of Auto Addressing.
Are protocol specifications such as Open DMX in general use or are they only adopted by some companies?
Thanks for your support.

 on: November 28, 2011, 05:25:50 AM 
Started by LightingSolutions - Last post by DMX512
The termination is correct, so you'll have no problem.

The DMX512 line is electrically an RS-485 bus, which is supposed to be terminated at both ends.

 on: November 28, 2011, 01:42:07 AM 
Started by LightingSolutions - Last post by LightingSolutions
Hi  :)

I have a project at work which is in the final stages and almost ready to start installing, which consists of about 400 dmx fittings all being fed from 1 universe, and to do so there is a dedicated signal feed which has 20 DMX amplifiers along it (which in turn each feed 20 fittings) and is about 700m long.

The enquiry that i have is that each input of the amplifiers are terminated (120 ohm resistor) and am wondering if this is going to cause me any issues?

The reason they have the termination is because originaly the design was to have the dmx signal feed one amplifier then that amplifier feed the next and so on, but the design was changed for better reliability after the amplifiers were made.

So basically im just concerned that i am going to loose the signal down the line because of the termination resistors, is this going to be an issue? As I will need to start making new amplifiers asap if need be, but im hoping that it will be ok

Any info is appreciated


 on: September 25, 2011, 08:13:24 AM 
Started by Mr Ray - Last post by Mr Ray
Bought some used rgb-led "fixtures" produced by XAL (Squadroled 400 050-26767). Now having problem to put in their start-adress. There is a connection marked ADR-IN and one ADR-OUT, a fourth connection beside the bus three. Is there a standard for this connection, and what signal do I send to this connection?

 on: September 08, 2011, 07:33:32 PM 
Started by colesalazar41 - Last post by DMX512
Since you are in the UK, you could link up the the Die hard Home Automation enthusiasts.

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