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Author Topic: RGB wall washers do not respond  (Read 8319 times)


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RGB wall washers do not respond
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:12:36 AM »

Good day!
Maybe some can help me with this:

4 years agou on one site there were installed 28 RGB wall washers(WW_O) and programmable controler(PC_O). Now controller stopped to work and customer asked for newer version. The old wall washer and controller producer , do not produce programmable contollers, so we took from him simple controller(SC) and one newer wall washer( WW_N) for tests.
Then found company that told that have good programable controler( PC_N) that is DMX519 (1990 ).

Problem :
a) When connect old wall washers (WW_O) to new programable controller ( PC_N)then, even all adresses are set as 001 on all wall washers(WW_O), they all ligth in different way .No pattern or some connection. 
b) If connect new simple controller ( SC) to old wall washers ( WW_O),then all ligth as required.
So we can assume the problem is like in newer controler (PC_N),but no, because if connect the new wall washer ( WW_N) that we took for tests, to new controller( PC_N) then it works perfect too.

All cabling are done according to standards and checked 7 times.

So the difference is in the generated signals from simple controller ( SC) and new programable controller ( PC_N).
Old wall washers( WW_O) do not understand the new programable controller ( PC_N) signal. but why ?
Can there be a transfer spead problem ?
Both controllers are stated to be DMX 512( 1990 ) type controllers.

Sorry that so long , but please help with advice.
Thanks in advance!


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Re: RGB wall washers do not respond
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 10:39:07 AM »

My first guess would be timing.  Unfortunately, you'll need test gear to verify this.

The refresh rate could well be too high for the old wall washers.

If you can set the number of channels transmitted, set it to the full 512 to ensure the refresh rate isn't too high for the washers.  With just a few channels you can legally have a refresh rate of 800 odd a second, and a lot of kit can't deal with that.


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Re: RGB wall washers do not respond
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2012, 06:46:49 PM »

With the help of friend I got a oscioliograph measurements. I add two files .
So these are DMX signal patterns for cold white collor (R=255, G=255 B=255) is measeir D+and D-.
At the end of files  *_SC( simple controller ) and  *_ PC_N( Programmable controller new).
From the first look they are Ok at least for me.

About refresh rate. For PC_N it is stated 25 Hrz. For SC Im not sure, but it is stated that data transfer spead is 250Kbps.
On the added pictures the period lenght of one square is set 50 micro seconds.( 0.00005 s) and vertically one square is 1 V.
So data transmition spead in reality looks like for SC =160kbps and PC_N=200kbps . Maybe there is a error in measurements , because oscioliograph is old , but anyway it is clear that PC_N transfer spead is higher, btu still in limits.

The SC transmits in all 512 channels. For PC_N I made a programm that transmit in all channels. So refresh is not so rappid. Plus in both cases controllers generate stable cold whtie color.